Tuesday, January 17, 2006

so talking does help

just one more "technique" for the what-do-I-do-when-I'm stuck-with-a-story list

TALK to someone about it - preferably another writer

Yest Sud helped me sort out a particularly hokey plot I was stuck with into a still hokey plot I can see some possibilities for
Like he says - doesn't work every time, but enough times to be useful

And my second technique if #1 doesn't work:
Well then you're probably just being lazy - so get the fuck on with it, even if it hurts.

The muse isn't a woman scholarly or beautiful, she's a nagging bitch who won't let you be till you're done and without whom you're forlorn.

And yeah Sud, I'm sorry I dragged you into the post too(see if you actually read my blog more often you could tell me to stop)


Blogger Beentherella said...

nope you were actually quite mild on the critique ...:P
and why are "you" the one introducing all ghordopics- here's my initiation...drumroll-

Lowlifes/menials/ non-entities-a**holes...im assuming you can tell im pissed at people and need to vent, am sure u understand.

crasshole- an asshole lacking the ingenuity to even be articulate in his attempts.

orbitch- Horrid hag, woman who lacks ingenuity to come up with new targets and keeps screwing over the same one.

perverk- cross between an ontological pervert and an incurable jerk- not that its much of a leap, i grant u.

masturd- a yet unheard of anomaly- the first jerk-child to be born without a mother- just to see how Arnie/Junior syndrome will come into play to answer the prayers of pregnant women all over the globe.

11:18 am  

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