Wednesday, November 09, 2005

a new approach

seven pathetic posts in two months - that is way way too little
i need to do something to jumpstart this goddamn blog

so lets write some stories
every posting from now on is a mini-story featuring.....featuring........Feridoun?
No. I just like the sound of the name because I've been making a belated effort to read up on my own culture - make that a Westerner's bad translation of my own culture.
60,000 rhyming couplets and all that Helen Zimmern has is 18 lousy chapters.
Well i suppose its more of plot-outline than translation.
Turns out you can learn Avesta online - whoop de de
Now I can finally learn what those prayers I say mean
Yeah sure - right after I finish my Ph.D. in Hindi.

But i digress - the character's name, his(or her?) name
Now isn't that supposed to be the most difficult part - the name?
Keep looking heavyfoot - now there's a name - Heavyfoot
So much for the power of word association

These are all too corny
But then again aren't story names always a little corny?

Good enough for now - the (ever so) forlorn adventures of Deadrim - coming soon (I hope)


Blogger New said...

Hello Mr story teller when r u gonna strt writing ur posts with the stories in them?

4:06 am  
Blogger wordmonkey said...

ah soon soon
so many stories waiting around :)

10:24 pm  

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