Saturday, January 07, 2006

the roads that lead to nowhere

All these damn road "improvements" in Mumbai remind me of a line in O Henry's The Cop and the Anthem

"Soapy walked down a street ruined by improvements."

Its not an important line in the story, but it brilliantly summarizes the daily annoyances, caused by City Hall, that people in New York (or Mumbai) have to deal with.
And in eight words too!

And yeah, Malang, if you're reading this - thats where I got that ghord. About time we started plagiarising some Americans, not just the brits, what say?


Blogger Beentherella said...

Anytime, i actually have a healithier disdain for americans anyway...and we must branck out somehow.

im actually glad arm wrestling is out, have a weak wrist.

stuporman- post-modernist version of a superintelligent being, raised and maxed out on mixed messages and propaganda.

rhetorack- the indesipherable babbly that comes out of the mouths of men who for some reason can never look women in the eye during conversations, they cant seem to raise their eyes the 3 momentous inches.

10:17 am  
Blogger Beentherella said...

i think its the "really bad haeadache"...i like to think of myself as the female PAN, dont believe in growing up. and yep Paracetamol helped ( as if i tried paracetamol...everyone knows Tylenol is the way to go, its big, corporate and usurps practically everone who isnt naturally, it works)

as for ghords:

patheticuliar- the saddest form of original... self involved ofcourse.

inclaim- the indecipherable stream of anger that boils inwardly but cannot escape my mouth. as i picture "alley mcbealistic and scrubsistic" versions of things falling on people who annoy me.

6:51 am  
Blogger Beentherella said...

thank you so much, am so glad you caught that, read the letters ages back, but am hearing the "tape" versions now. screwtape malang...hmmm definite potential.

How sneaky of you, "ghords about ghords" trying to make room for your self in the definition portion of our dictionary, just so you can take credit for the opening.

ghords for the day-

corresfondance- salutary letters of "professed" love males are under pressure to write by excessively demanding girlfriends.

proffestant- individual merged in constant state of verbal diahrrha which he expects to be accepted as gospel.

carthimiage- post 7 year period of marriage.

8:16 am  
Blogger Beentherella said...

Hmm the "menial's" chase is proving UN-fruitful so far, especially since the frontal slush of "indo-pakness during the match is proving too tranquil...aka boring, sigh im a sucker for conflict. (sigh) i hope you're not a cricket freak, cause then i'll have to justify my madness and that makes it harder. anyhow...for the mean time i have begun compiling our "respective" ghords.

for today:
crickedness- the inane, vengeful spirit of adverse competition that is currently plaguing us/ moi.

playconomy- political economy of non-cracked, clean heels.

omoron- spiritually "enlightened" delinquent.

Doctor "what the f****"- middle aged man acting as "midwife" to the masculine- mis/mid-life crises.

6:40 am  

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